Bereavement Ministry
The death of a loved one is an intense and painful experience for most people. Having the right support makes all of the difference, and here at Sacred Heart want to make a difference by reaching out and helping members and families through the grief cycle.
Hugo & Luz Pacheco
Freddy Parra
Maria Luisa Ortiz
Carmen Perez
La muerte de un ser querido es una experiencia intensa y dolorosa para la mayoría de las personas. Tener el apoyo adecuado hace toda la diferencia, y aquí en Sacred Heart queremos marcar la diferencia al acercarnos y ayudar a los miembros y las familias a través del ciclo de duelo.
Hugo y Luz Pacheco
Freddy Parra
María Luisa Ortiz
Carmen Perez
Liturgical Services
In addition to attending as part of the congregation, parishioners are invited to participate in Mass by volunteering to be:
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Servers
Holy Eucharist to the Sick
For further information, call the Rectory at (323) 221-3179.
Composed of children and young adults who assist priests in the service of the altar during the celebration of Mass. They serve regularly at Sunday and weekly Masses and other special liturgies.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
"The Church was born of the pashal mystery. For this reason the Eucharist, which is in an outstanding way the Sacrament of the paschasl mystery, stands at the center of the Church's life"
For further information, call Ana Lara at (323 221-3179.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick
These ministers are commissioned to take Holy Communion to the sick, homebound and those confided Convalescent and Skilled Nurse Facilities to those who cannot worship with us. As they visit, they share the Word of God as well as the Body of Christ to give consolation and spiritual comfort to those going through illness and in need of support. This ministry is coordinated by a team of volunteers.
"Christ is present in the liturgy through the Eucharist, the priest and the assembly that prays and sings. He is also present in the Word since it is He Himself who speaks when the holy Scriptures are read in the Church." - Matthew 18:20
Proclaiming the Word of God is much more complex than simply standing in front of the assembly and reading a text. It involves the proper understanding and appreciation of scripture, careful preparation, the use of the voice, and attention to acoustics and liturgical movement.
Music Ministry
Those who offer their musical talents for leading the assembly in sung prayer are pastoral musicians that serve as accompanists, instrumentalists, cantors, and choir members. The Music Ministry enchances the liturgy with songs and instrumental music and enriches the lives of the participants. Singers: Anyone with a love and aptitude for music is welcome. An ability to read music is welcome. An ability to read music is not a requirement. Musicians: Anyone who can play an instrument at a proficient leval is welcome.
Contact Thomas Gallegos - Music Director at (323) 221-3179.
The Sacristans fulfill an important role in the care of the sacred linens and furnishings and sometimes assists with the environment for the various seasons of the church year. As a norm, sacristans are often responsible for setting out the followint items prior to worship: bread, wine, water, towels, purificators, vessels, liturgical books, candles, altar cloths, vestments, incense and holy water (when used).
Today, the ministry of usher involves much more than collecting money and serving as doorkeeper. The ministry of usher is perhaps the most important for setting the tone for worship. The usher, who should be comfortable meeting and greeting others, extends a welcome to others prior to prayer. Collections, as offerings to God, have always been part of our preparation for the Eucharistic prayer. We place before the altar the work of human hands.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Exposition is a manner of honoring the Holy Eucharist, by exposing Him, with proper solemnity, to the view of the faithful in order that they may pay their devotions before Him.
Fridays at 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the church, except on days where special Masses are celebrated.
Además de asistir como parte de la congregación, los feligreses están invitados a participar en la Misa ofreciéndose como voluntarios para ser:
Ministros Eucarísticos
Sagrada Eucaristía a los Enfermos
Spanish Prayer Group
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Durante casi cincuenta años, la Renovación Carismática Católica ha estado presente en la Iglesia como una corriente de gracia del Espíritu Santo, junto con otras realidades eclesiales. Gracias a ella, muchas personas han tenido un encuentro personal con Jesucristo dentro de la Iglesia Católica y han transformado sus vidas, haciéndose hombres y mujeres nuevos. También nuestra Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles se ha visto enriquecida por este don del Espíritu Santo.
Renovación Carismática en el Espíritu Santo – Ministerio de Oración Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
La Renovación carismática es una corriente Espiritual de gracia que nace del impulso del Espíritu Santo. El Grupo de oración es un grupo de fieles que se reúne para Alabar a Dios y darle gracias por todos sus beneficios. Es una escuela de oración que lleva a los participantes a una experiencia de conversión continuad. Cada asamblea ofrece oportunidad para ensenar, modelar e invitar al pueblo participante a fomentar su relación con nuestro Dios por medio de la oración personal, comunidad y litúrgico como un equipo de servidores.
Tenemos eventos:
Los días viernes asamblea general en la Iglesia.
Los Días jueves tenemos preparación los servidores en el auditorio a las 7:30 p.m.
Retiro cuaresmal preparación para la pascua
Retiro de Adviento preparación para el nacimiento de Jesús
Organizamos retiros, vigilias y otros retiros – Llamamos Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu
Vigilia Pentecostés
Concierto de Alabanza y otros más.
Atentamente la Mesa y
Maria Chávez, Coordinadora
Our Lady of Guadalupe Society
The mission of this mission is to celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12 with authentic Mexican traditions of Mariachi music and Aztec dancers. Fundraising events are held to help facilitate this annual feast day.
For more information, contact Mariza Whiteman at (323) 221-3179.
La misión de esta misión es celebrar la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el 12 de diciembre con auténticas tradiciones mexicanas de música Mariachi y bailarines aztecas. Se llevan a cabo eventos de recaudación de fondos para ayudar a facilitar esta fiesta anual.
Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Mariza Whiteman al (323) 221-3179.